CMFS Statement on CalgaryNEXT and Plan B

A Multisport Fieldhouse is urgently needed to serve amateur sport groups and all active Calgarians.

We are pleased that the City is proceeding to evaluate CalgaryNEXT and an alternative Plan B to construct sports facilities including a Multisport Fieldhouse.  We look forward to the report in October and a decision at that time on the best route forward to serve the needs of all Calgarians. 

Both options must be carefully evaluated & compared using the same five major criteria for a Multisport Fieldhouse to meet the requirements of amateur sport:

1)      Fieldhouse amenities and program requirements

2)      Public/amateur sport users’ ease of access & parking

3)      Wide primetime availability for public & amateur sport groups

4)      Affordable rates & fees and long term guarantees

5)      Governance model to serve the needs of user groups

Wherever the facility is located, the general public and amateur sports groups must have wide access to the Multisport Fieldhouse at an affordable cost.  

We ask City Council to act with urgency in confirming the location of the Multisport Fieldhouse and capital funding to construct it.

We will continue to work closely with the City of Calgary and Sport Calgary in support of this long needed facility to benefit all Calgarians.